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What to expect Before, During and After Treatment?

At your first consultation I will take a case history starting off with your current symptoms and then details about your general health and previous history. This will give me an overall view of your health and help determine what treatment is most appropriate. You are welcome to bring a friend or relative into the room during the consultation and treatment if you wish.

You may be asked to remove some of your clothing so that I can examine the relevant area of your body and you will then be asked to perform a series of simple movements, so it is useful to wear something that you are comfortable in.

Treatments will vary from person to person depending on your age, fitness and diagnosis, but this may include soft tissue massage, gentle joint mobilization, stretches and exercises and I may also look at the many factors in your everyday life that may be influencing your health.

Occasionally you may feel discomfort during treatment, however, this is kept to the minimum and only what is necessary to improve your symptoms. Sometimes, when we manipulate joints you may hear a ‘click’, this is just like the click people get when they crack their knuckles. You may feel a little stiff or sore after treatment, but this is a normal, healthy response to the treatment, and I will give you advice on how to manage this.

The number of treatments needed depends on the condition and person I am treating. I aim to tell you within a short period of time whether Osteopathy can treat you or if it would be better to refer you to someone else.

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